Севостьянов, Є. О.
О множествах точек ветвления отображений, более общих, чем квазирегулярные.
Український математичний журнал, 62 (2).
pp. 215-230.
ISSN 1027-3190
It is shown that if a point x0 2 Rn; n � 3; is an essential isolated singularity of an open discrete
Q-mapping f WD ! Rn; Bf is the set of branch points of f in D; and a point z0 2 Rn is an
asymptotic limit of f at the point x0; then, for any neighborhood U containing the point x0; the
point z0 2 f .Bf
\ U/ provided that the function Q has either a finite mean oscillation at the point
x0 or a logarithmic singularity whose order does not exceed n
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