Petranovska, A. L., Abramov, N. V., Turanska, S. P., Gorbyk, P. P., Камінський, О. М., Кусяк, Н. В.
Adsorption of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum by nanostructures based on single-domain magnetite.
Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 5 (3).
с. 275-285.
ISSN 2008-9244
Magnetosensitive nanocomposites on the basis of monodomain magnetite Fe3O4/meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid, Fe3O4/c-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, Fe3O4/polyacrylamide, Fe3O4/hydroxyapatite were synthesized.
Size distribution of magnetite nanoparticles in ensemble and
their magnetic properties were studied. It has been shown
that the magnetization curve of the liquid containing monodomain magnetite has a form that is characteristic for superparamagnetics, and its calculations in the framework of
Langeven’s paramagnetism theory match satisfactorily to
the experimental results. The highest adsorption parameters
were observed for magnetosensitive nanocomposites Fe3O4/
polyacrylamide and Fe3O4/c-aminopropyltriethoxysilane.
Prospects of the studied nanostructures for medicobiological
and technical applications as adsorbents of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum were shown.
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