Кусяк, Н. В., Свиридюк, К. П., Кусяк, А. П., Petranovska, A. L., Горбик, П. П., Опанащук, Н. М.
Features of adsorption human Ig on the surface of magnetically sensitive nanocomposites.
In: International research and practice conference "NANO-2020", Lviv.
Kusyak N.V., Svyrydiuk K. P., Kusyak A.P., Petranovska А.L., Gorbyk P.P., Opanashchuk N.М. The peculiarities of synthesis and of adsorptive characteristics of composites Fe3O4/Al2O3/C // International research and practice conference «Nanotechnology and nanomaterials» (NANO-2020) – Lviv, 26–29 August. – 2020. – P. 142.
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