The right to work in Ukraine: from imperial practices to the european standards

Рудницька, О. П., Магась-Демидас, Ю. І. (2022) The right to work in Ukraine: from imperial practices to the european standards. Інтермарум: історія, політика, культура (11). с. 145-167. ISSN 2518-7694

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Ukraine has gone a long way in developing the right to work. The lack of own statehood for a long period led to the fact that labour relations were regulated by the legislation of empires, which included Ukrainian lands. The purpose of the article is to trace the genesis of the right to work in Ukraine from the beginning of its normative consolidation in the 19th century to the modern stage of bringing national legislation to European standards. Scientific novelty: for the first time, an analysis of the evolution of labour rights in legislation from the imperial acts to the present was carried out, the reasons for changes in the field of labour legislation were analysed. Methodology: the application of problem-chronological, comparative-historical, historical-legal methods made it possible to follow the genesis of the right to work in Ukrainian legislation from the imperial experience to the present. The combination of historical and jurisprudential methods contributed to the systematic examination of the problem, made it possible to follow the influence of the legal component on history, which determined the novelty of the research.

Тип елементу : Стаття
Ключові слова: the right to work, labour relations, labour law, code, law
Теми: K Право > K Право (Загальне)
Підрозділи: Факультет історії, права та публічного управління > Кафедра права та публічного управління
Користувач, що депонує: Лаборант іст. фак. Світлана Чорновіл
Дата внесення: 09 Лист 2022 14:59
Останні зміни: 09 Лист 2022 14:59

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