On the boundary extension of mappings on Riemannian surfaces

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Ilkevych, N. S., Kalenska, V. P. (2023) On the boundary extension of mappings on Riemannian surfaces. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 274 (3). с. 370-382. ISSN 1072-3374

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We investigate non-homeomorphic mappings of the Riemannian surfaces of Sobolev class. Some distortion estimates have been obtained for the moduli of families of paths. We have proved that under some conditions, these mappings have a continuous extension to the boundary of a domain in terms of prime ends.

Тип елементу : Стаття
Теми: Q Наука > QA Математика > Математичний аналіз
Користувач, що депонує: Євген Севостьянов
Дата внесення: 01 Лип 2024 07:01
Останні зміни: 01 Лип 2024 07:01
URI: http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/id/eprint/40575

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