Baban, Іngole, Ravaіl, Singh, Sabyasachі, Sautya, Dovgal, I. V., Chatterjee, Taras
Report of epibiont Thecacineta calix (Ciliophora: Suctorea) on deep sea Desmodora (Nematoda) from the Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean.
JMBA2 - Biodiversity Records (8 Jan).
с. 1-4.
Suctorian epibionts Thecacineta calix attached on the cuticle of nematodes Desmodora sphaerica and
D. pontica are reported here from the deep sea hexactinellid sponge Pheronema sp. from the Andaman
Sea (Indian Ocean). The epibiont T. calix is reported here for first time from the Andaman Sea.
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