%0 Journal Article %@ 2076-6173 %A Іззатуллаєв, З. І. %D 2002 %F zu2:100 %I Вид-во ЖДУ ім. І.Франка %J Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка %P 21-23 %T Results of a study of bivalve molluscs of central Asia = Итоги исследования двустворчатых моллюсков Центральной Азии %U http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/100/ %X The article is devoted to many years’ research (1972 - 2001) of bivalve mollusks of Central Asia. It is established that it is inhabited by 51 species of molluscs belonging to 16 genera, 8 families and three orders. Among them 13 species and 1 subgenus are described as new for science. Their ecology, distribution by basin types, byotopes, life forms and economic significance have been studied.