@article{zu211993, title = {LEXICO-SEMANTIC STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPT MERITOCRAT}, author = {?. ?. ???????}, publisher = {?????????-???????????: ??? ??????????}, year = {2014}, pages = {62--63}, journal = {??????? ???????????? ????????: ???????? ?? ???????????: ??????? ??? ?? ???????? ?????????}, keywords = {Concept MERITOCRAT, the meritocratic actions }, url = {http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/11993/}, abstract = {Concept MERITOCRAT content is constituted by a range of lexical means, which nominate facts and events related to the political life. Zhabotynska argues that building the networks at any conceptual level employs a universal tool ? the limited set of propositions that belong to the five basic frames. Frame semantics defines a frame as ?a system of categories structured in accordance with some motivating context?} }