%0 Journal Article %A Криворучко, Т. В. %D 2013 %F zu2:15175 %I Севастополь: Рибест %J Global English – Global Decisions.XVIII TESOL – Ukraine National Conference. April 12-13, 2013. Book of papers %K emotive verbs, subject Equi verbs, subject control verbs, (subject to object) raising verbs, Exceptional Case Marking (ECM), believe-type matrix verbs, want-type matrix verbs %P 164-165 %T Believe-type and Want-type Matrix Verbs and their Complements %U http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/15175/ %X The article deals with the contrast between the sentential complements of verbs like want and believe. Some scholars distinguished them as being obligatory / optional undergoers of a ‘pronoun replacement’ transformation. The want class verbs are often called emotive verbs or subject Equi verbs or subject control verbs. The believe class verbs are sometimes called (subject to object) raising verbs or Exceptional Case Marking (ECM).