@article{zu215533, number = {12(37)}, title = {??????? ?? ?????????? ????????? ???????????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ? ???????????? ?????????? ????????????}, author = {?. ?. ??????????}, publisher = {??? ????? ?.?. ???????????}, year = {2006}, pages = {171--175}, journal = {??????? ??????? ??? ????? ?.?. ???????????. ????? ?12. ???????????? ?????: ??. ???????? ?????}, keywords = {????????????, ???????????-?????? ?????????? ????????????, ??????? ? ????????, ???????????. ??????????, ???????????-?????????? ????????????????????????, ??????????? ? ?????????, ??????????? Imitation, preschoolers efficiently-creative activity, need for recognition, experimental investigation}, url = {http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/15533/}, abstract = {? ?????? ????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ? ???????????? ?????????? ? ??????????? ????. ???????????? ?????????? ?????????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ????????????? ??? ????????? ?? ??????????. ?????? ? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ????????? ???????????? ??? ?????????, ?? ??????? ???????????? ??????? ? ????????. ? ?????? ??????????????? ??????????? ?????????? ? ???????????? ?????????? ???????????? ? ?????????? ????????. ???????????? ?????????? ?????????????????? ???????????? ?????????? ????????????? ???????? ????????? ? ??????????. ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????? ?????????? ???????? ??????????, ??????????? ????????????? ??????????? ? ?????????. Features of imitation in efficiently-creative activity in pre-school age are considered in the article. The results of experimental investigation of imitation adult and the same aged person by preschoolers are presented. One of the conditions in developing preschoolers creative abilities is conscious selective imitation actions of same aged people to satisfy need for recognition.} }