@article{zu217150, number = {5}, month = {???????}, author = {?. ?. ??????????}, title = {??????? ? ??????? ???????????????? ????????????? ????????????????? ???????????????}, publisher = {????????? ???????? ????? ??? ???????}, journal = {????? ? ??????}, pages = {64--68}, year = {2009}, keywords = {??????????????????????? ????????-???????????? ???????, ????????????????????, ?????????????-???????????????, ??????????????, ??????????????? ?????????, ???????????????? ???????????????, ????????? ???????????????? ???? ????????????????????? ????????-?????????? ???????, ?????????????????, ?????????????-????????????, ???????????, ?????????????? ????????, ?????????? ??????????????, ???????? ?????????????? ???? A complex system dynamic phenomenon, psyhopsysioligical, individually psyhological, typological and sociocultural correlates, professional self-determination, professions of socionomic type}, url = {http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/17150/}, abstract = {? ?????? ??????? ??????????????? ??? ??????????????????????? ????????-???????????? ???????. ???????????? ?? ????????????????????, ?????????????-???????????????, ?????????????? ? ??????????????? ????????? ? ??????? ?? ?????????? ???????????? ????????????????? ??????????????? ? ?????????? ???????????????? ????. ??????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ???????????????? ????????????? ????????????????? ???????????????. ? ?????? ??????? ????????????? ?? ????????????????????? ????????-?????????? ???????. ???????????? ?? ?????????????????, ?????????????-????????????, ??????????? ? ?????????????? ????????? ? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????????????? ? ????????? ?????????????? ????. ??????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?????????????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????????. In the article empathy is researched as complex the system-dynamic phenomenon. Its psychophysiological , individually-psychological, typological and sociocultural correlate in their aspect of empathy determination of professional self-determination in professions of socionomic type are presented. Basic principles of the program of psychological accompaniment of professional self-determination are described.} }