%A ?. ?. ?????????? %J ????????? ???????? ?????????? %T ???????? ??????? ? ????? ??????????? ????. %X ??????????? ??????? ? ??????????? ???????? ??????? ? ???????????? ????????. ????????. ??? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ????????? ????????, ??????? ????????????? ? ??????????????, ??? ?????????? ????????? ? ???? ?????? ??? ?????????????? ??????? ? ? ?????????? - ???????? ? ???????? ?????? ??????????? ?. Genesis and features of dynamics of emphaty in infantile age is descrieb. It is rotined that the emphaty setting is innate property of a person, which actualizes at new-born at adequate attitude toward him of a mother his symbiotic empathy and development for the baby of the emphaty "I". %N 5 %P 185-191 %V 10 %D 2008 %I ??????? %L zu217151