@article{zu226340, title = {????? ????????? ??????????? ??????????}, author = {?. ?. ??????}, publisher = {???????: ????}, year = {2017}, pages = {21--25}, journal = {?????????? ???????? ??????????, ??????????? ? ???????????? ??????????? ? ???????? ???????????? / ??? ???. ?. ?. ?????????, ?. ?. ???????. ? ??????????????? ?????????-???????????? ???????????}, keywords = {Based on the concept of functional asymmetry of the human cerebral hemispheres, a step-by-step school trajectory is based on the development of the child from the state of right hemispheric fusion with the world (characterized by polysemantic paradigmatic thinking and openness to the miracle, paradox, absurdity, magic fairy tale) to the left hemisphere ability to unambiguous abstract-logical thinking allowing the child to realize himself in the field of cause-effect relationships), and from it - to the state of synthesis of hemispheric functions, that implements holistic dialectical thinking as a unity of opposites - the image and the words, concrete and abstract, feelings and thoughts.}, url = {http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/26340/}, abstract = {?? ?????? ????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ????? ???????? ?????????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????, ?????????????? ???????? ??????? ?? ????????? ??????????????? ????????? ? ????? (????????????????? ???????????? ?????????????? ????????? ? ??????????? ? ????, ?????????, ???????, ????????? ??????) ? ?????????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ??????????-??????????? ???????? (???????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ? ???? ????????-???????????? ????????????), ? ?? ???? ? ? ????????? ??????? ?????????? ???????, ??????? ????????? ????????? ?????????????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?????????????????? ? ?????? ? ?????, ??????????? ? ????????????, ??????? ? ?????.} }