@article{zu226430, title = {????????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ? ?????? ?????????????? ????}, author = {?. ?. ??????}, publisher = {????????????: ?? ?????????? ?.?.}, year = {2011}, pages = {79--84}, journal = {?????????-????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????? ?????????????? ??????: ??.????.????? / ?? ???. ?????? ???????, ??????? ????????????, ???????? ????????}, keywords = {Conceptual principles basis of the professional development of teacher's personality in the conditions of civilizations changes is analyzed in the article. The task is set to develop of the psychological and pedagogical program of the research of the phenomenon of civil development of the personality of a professional which foresees the unification in one theoretical and methodological field three educational aims of man's development in the system of education - forming the personality, citizen and specialist.}, url = {http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/26430/}, abstract = {? ?????? ????????????? ????????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ? ?????? ?????????????? ????. ????????? ???????? ???????? ?????????-???????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????????? ????????????, ?? ?????????? ????????? ? ?????? ?????????-??????????????? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ???????? ?????? ? ??????? ?????? ? ?????????? ???????????, ??????????? ? ???????.} }