%A ?. ?. ????????????? %J American Journal of Fundamental, Applied & Experimental Research %T ????????? ?????????? ??????????? ????????? ????????? %X ? ?????? ??????? ?????????????? ??????? ?????????????? ?? ?????????? ??????????? ?????????? ???????, ??? ? ?????? ????????????? ???????? ?????? ? ?????????? ??? ??????? ????? ???????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ?? ? ????????????? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ???????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????????, ??????? ?? ??????? ??????????. %N 1(8) %K The main characteristics and components of relational education management in the conditions of its transformation are briefly analyzed in the article. It is concluded that relational management is optimal for effective educational systems and is realized on the basis and using the principles, functions and methods of management that are dominant for a particular phase state of the development of the educational system. In particular, the democratic and self-governing orientation is growing in the dominant principles of management in the process of transformation of educational systems. Management cycle and management functions (diagnostic, modeling, organizational, control and corrective) change their attributes from command to advisory, coordinated and integral-coordinated, and the development of dominant management methods is based on their shift from organizational, administrative and economic to psychological and social. %P 72-76 %D 2018 %L zu227737