eprintid: 31411 rev_number: 18 eprint_status: archive userid: 5935 dir: disk0/00/03/14/11 datestamp: 2020-08-11 06:19:30 lastmod: 2020-08-11 06:19:30 status_changed: 2020-08-11 06:19:30 type: article metadata_visibility: show title: Experimental verification of pedagogical conditions for training future coach-instructors to develop moral and volitional qualities in pupils from children's and youth sports schools language: english abstract: The results of the study have shown that the readiness of the prospective coaches-teachers for developing moral-volitional qualities in the youth of specialized educational institutions of sports profile is formed more effectively under the following conditions: using the educational potential of sports-training activities and extracurricular work concerning moral education; training the coaches for the development of moral and volitional qualities in the high school students; creating a favorable microclimate for the establishment of interpersonal communication and humanistic relations between all participants of the educational process. keywords: coach-teacher; students of children's youth sports schools; moral and volitional qualities; pedagogical conditions creators_name: Дубасенюк, О. А. creators_name: Вознюк, О. В. creators_name: Лайчук, А. М. creators_id: alexvoz@ukr.net ispublished: pub subjects: L1 subjects: LB subjects: LB1603 subjects: LB2300 divisions: pedangl full_text_status: public date: 2020 date_type: published publication: Professional Pedagogics volume: 1 number: 20 publisher: The Institute of Vocational Education and Training of NAES of Ukraine pagerange: 167-174 refereed: TRUE issn: 2707-3092 official_url: https://jrnls.ivet.edu.ua/index.php/1 citation: Дубасенюк, О. А., Вознюк, О. В., Лайчук, А. М. (2020) Experimental verification of pedagogical conditions for training future coach-instructors to develop moral and volitional qualities in pupils from children's and youth sports schools. Professional Pedagogics, 1 (20). с. 167-174. ISSN 2707-3092 document_url: http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/31411/1/Dubasenyuk%20Alexandra%20%D0%B2%20%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%BA%D1%83%20%D0%96%D0%94%D0%A3.pdf