@article{zu231955, title = {The farther reaches of studying foreign languages as a psycholinguistic phenomenon}, author = {?. ?. ??????}, publisher = {Zhytomyr Medical Institute}, year = {2020}, pages = {223--235}, journal = {Building Professional Linguistic Competence of Future Specialists: VI Regional Students? Scientific Internet-Conference (November 27, 2020)}, url = {http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/31955/}, abstract = {Language, being a means of communication, and a tool of thinking, is also a fundamental mechanism of human development in onto- and phylogenesis. This relates not only to the native but also to foreign languages being studied. One of the most developed aspects of learning and teaching foreign languages is psychological/psycholinguistic, which reveals the amazing phenomena that practitioners of education should get acquainted with. Let us consider both some of these phenomena and their implications for the educational process.} }