eprintid: 33037 rev_number: 12 eprint_status: archive userid: 7830 dir: disk0/00/03/30/37 datestamp: 2021-07-19 10:26:05 lastmod: 2021-07-19 10:26:05 status_changed: 2021-07-19 10:26:05 type: article metadata_visibility: show title: Economic, psychological, pedagogical and methodological basis of professional training of future teachers of primary classes in the context of ideas of a new ukrainian school language: english abstract: The article analyzes the trends in the change of key competencies required by the labor market. It is stated that these changes determine the new competencies that must be formed in the pupils of the school, which in turn changes the requirements for the competencies of the teacher. The directions of economic reforms of the Ukrainian school are studied and it is shown that these reforms will lead to an increase in the requirements for primary school teachers and increase the level of control over his activities from communities, whose funds will be used to finance educational institutions of each community. Therefore, as a priority area of reforming the Ukrainian school, a systematic approach to the training of future teachers was proposed, details of the reassessment of the components of this approach, the content of components and outlined new requirements for the components of primary school teacher competence. It is proved that the psychological and pedagogical principles of primary school teacher training and acquisition of professional competence are a set of interconnected components of the educational process, which form the need for improvement and interest in the profession; stimulate the education of the individual. Not only the importance of knowledge and skills, but also the qualities that will ensure an effective pedagogical process; form a proper self-assessment of the teacher and his objective assessment of students. Negative factors that may reduce the effectiveness of complex psychological and pedagogical principles of future teacher training have also been studied. It is stated that the key prerequisite for these principles should be the formation of a teacher as a person who loves children, enjoys communication and friendship with them, is able to share their joys and sorrows, and does not forget how she was a child. The system of methodical approaches of teacher training is considered and it is specified that it should aim at formation at the future teacher of aspiration of innovative pedagogical work as a basis of its self-realization. The structure of methodical approaches in modern conditions is estimated and its transience is indicated. That is, methodological approaches are only tools in the work of a teacher, and the constant search for pedagogical innovations for the desire to improve will allow him to choose the right tools from the set offered to him. The results of the study and the developed proposals will increase the effectiveness of reforming the New Ukrainian school. keywords: competencies, system approach, education reform, professional training, future primary school teachers creators_name: Колесник, Н. Є. creators_name: Шанскова, Т. І. creators_name: Рудницька, Н. Ю. creators_name: Коновальчук, І. М. creators_name: Максимець, С. М. creators_id: kolesnik@zu.edu.ua ispublished: pub subjects: LB2300 divisions: sch_obr full_text_status: public date: 2021 date_type: published publication: Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики number: 3(38) pagerange: 522-529 id_number: https://doi.org/10.18371/fcaptp.v3i38.237484 refereed: TRUE issn: 2306-4994 referencetext: 1.Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. (2016). Nova ukrainska shkola: Kontseptualni zasady reformuvannia serednoi shkoly [New Ukrainian school: Conceptual principles of secondary school reform]. Kyiv. Retrieved from http://zakinppo.org.ua/images/2017/docs/10/konczepcziya.pdf [in Ukrainian]. 2.Kabinet Ministriv Ukrainy. (1993). Derzhavna natsionalna prohrama «Osvita (Ukraina XXI stolittia)»: Postanova vid 3 lystopada 1993 r. ʋ 896 [State National Program «Education (Ukraine of the XXI Century)»: Resolution of November 3, 1993 ʋ 896]. Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/896-93-%D0%BF [in Ukrainian]. 3.Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy. 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