@article{zu238791, title = {Development of critical thinking of future primary school teachers in the process of professional training}, author = {?. ?. ????????}, publisher = {{\L}om{\.z}a}, year = {2023}, journal = {Zeszyty Naukowe (Wy{\.z}sza Szko{\l}a Agrobiznesu w {\L}om{\.z}y): nauki spo{\l}eczne i humanistyczne}, keywords = {critical thinking, systematic approach, competence approach, personality-oriented approach, activity approach, axiological approach, acmeological approach, technology of forming critical thinking of future primary school teachers}, url = {http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/38791/}, abstract = {The development of critical thinking of higher education applicants is carried out in the process of professional training through the mastering of basic and elective educational components, in particular the discipline "Technologies of critical thinking", the passage of various types of educational and industrial practices, the formation of skills to solve professionally oriented problems in conditions of uncertainty and is based on the reflection of educational activities.} }