@incollection{zu26070, booktitle = {?????????-????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????? ?????????????? ??????}, title = {?????? ??????? ? ?????? ? ???????? ?????????-?????????????? ?????????????????. ????????? ??????? ? ???????????}, author = {?. ?. ????}, address = {???? - ????????????}, publisher = {?? ?????????? ?.?.}, year = {2011}, pages = {41--48}, url = {http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/6070/}, abstract = {? ??????, ?? ?????? ??????? ???????????? ???????? ?????? ? ??????? ? ?????? ? ?????? ???????? ??????????????? ???????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????? ? ??????, ???????????? ?? ???????????????? ?????????-?????????????? ????????????????? ?? ???????????? ???????? ??????. ??????????? ??????????? ??????? ??????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ?????? ? ??????? ??? ????? ? ?? ???????????. In the article, based on the analysis of the controversial educational reforms in Ukraine and Poland in contemporary globalization processes and search of their own place in the world, the attention is focused on the problematic of cultural and civilization self-identity of their national education systems. The optimal variant of the national education systems civilization development for the benefit of countries and their future is simulated. W artyku{\l}e, na podstawie analizy kontrowersyjnych reform edukacyjnych w Ukrainie i Polsce we wsp{\'o}{\l}czesnych warunkach proces{\'o}w globalizacji i wyszukiwania "w{\l}asnego miejsca w {\'s}wiecie", autor koncentruje si{\k e} na problematyce kulturalno-cywilizacyjnej samoidentyfikacji narodowych system{\'o}w edukacyji w obu krajach. Prezentuje tak{\.z}e najlepszy wariant cywilizacyjnego rozwoju narodowych system{\'o}w edukacyjnych oraz jego przysz{\l}o{\'s}{\'c}.} }