%0 Journal Article %A Малинівська, О. А. %D 2010 %F zu2:8500 %I Харків: ХНАДУ %J Студенство. Наука. Іноземна мова: Збірник наукових праць студентів, аспірантів та молодих науковців. %K lexical competence, basic speech functions, impart of elementary skills of the oral speech, the development of interest to the culture, the requirements of the children during the game, speech activity, the preschool age. %N 2 %P 168-170 %T Formation Of The Lexical Competence At The Pre-school Level. %U http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/8500/ %X The searches for the most effective way of formation the lexical competence in the preschool age is the burning problem nowadays especially taking into consideration the age picularities on this very stage.