relation: title: Meritocratic Discourse: Research Framework creator: Семенюк, І. С. subject: P Філологія. Лінгвістика description: This paper presents a reflection on the process of doing critical meritocratic discourse research. Examples from a current project on the discursive construction of ‘meritocrat’ identity are used to illustrate how major challenges inherent in undertaking meritocratic discourse research can be addressed. These involved initial justifications of discourse theory as a research framework, research design and data collection in order to contribute to broader debates about age, gender and social status. publisher: Proceedings. – Istanbul date: 2013 type: Стаття type: PeerReviewed format: text language: uk identifier: identifier: Семенюк, І. С. (2013) Meritocratic Discourse: Research Framework. 1st International ELT Symposium “A Historical Evaluation of ELT in International Context: Lessons From the Past to Shape the Future”, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, 26-27 April, 2013: Proceedings. – Istanbul, 2013. с. 109-125. language: english