Вгору на рівень |
Harbar, O., Lavryk, O., Khomiak, I., Vlasenko, R., Andriychuk, T,, Kostiuk, V, (2023) Spatiоtemporal analysis of the changes of the main habitats of the Kozachelaherska arena (Nyzhniodniprovsky sands, Kherson region, Ukraine) in the period of 1990–2020. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica (57). с. 64-73. ISSN 0300-5402
Bren, A., Khomiak, I., Khomiak, O. (2022) Modern tendencies of changes of methodological approaches to studying of the restoration natural vegetatin in post-mining areas. Українське Полісся: проблеми та тренди сучасного розвитку. с. 10-12.
Khomiak, I., Onishchuk, I., Demchuk, N. (2018) Phytoindicators of ecosystem dynamics in ring-bank ukrainian Polissia. Scientific Journal «ScienceRise: Biological Science», 4 (13). с. 25-30.