Вознюк, О. В.
Paradox-oriented educational paradigm.
Нові технології навчання: збірник наукових праць. ДНУ «Інститут модернізації змісту освіти». (94).
с. 332-334.
Paradox-oriented educational paradigm is substantiated. It is shown that a new post-classical educational paradigm is urgent, which should be integrative, holistic and provide for the integration of theoretical foundations and practical results of scientific and pedagogical paradigms and trends. The analysis of the general content of science and philosophy as a form of social consciousness, which we conducted in the framework of the construction of the theory of knowledge synthesis, leads to the conclusion that the formation and development of a new post-nonclassical scientific paradigm affects the fundamental and radical shift in social reflection and public consciousness from substrate-material, subject-object to substantial-field, resonant subject-subjective paradigm of cognition, from discrete-atomic-fragmentary to holistically-continuous, dialectical-paradoxical non-linear thinking and mastering the world by our contemporary. This is realized in the process of synthesis of rational and irrational strategies of cognizing the world, as well as to convergence of the humanities and natural disciplines. Thus the paradoxical-nonlinear thinking must develop thanks to paradoxical discourse, which should be one of the most important methodical techniques of modern pedagogical process. Hence stems an important conclusion about the urgent need for comprehensive development of a separate line of pedagogy – paradox study which deals with the development of non-linear paradoxical creative thinking in the students. At the same time there is a need not only to reanimate the paradox in the study of exact and humanitarian disciplines, but also to introduce a special subject – paradoxolody, similar to mystical theology, which is a subject in religious educational institutions.
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