Герус, О. Ф., Плакса, С. А.
Формула Ньютона-Лейбница и квазианалитические классы функций на кривых.
Збiрник праць Iн-ту математики НАН України, 3 (4).
с. 396-404.
We give a proof of the Newton-Leibniz formula on certain classes of rectifiable Jordan curves. An analyticity criterion and sufficient conditions for a quasianalyticity of classes of functions given on a locally "chordarc"
curve (i.e. a curve, for which the ratio of the length of arc with a fixed endpoint to the length of chord subtending the arc is bounded by a number depending on the mentioned endpoint) is established.
числом, що залежить від вказаного кінця).
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