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Число елементів: 60.

Salimov, R., Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ukhlov, Aleksandr (2024) Capacity inequalities and Lipschitz continuity of mappings. Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 178 (1). с. 129-135.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ukhlov, A., Gol’dshtein, V. (2024) Composition operators on Sobolev spaces and weighted moduli inequalitites. Mathematical Reports, 76 (2). с. 101-113. ISSN 2285-3898

Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On boundary Hölder logarithmic continuity of mappings in some domains. Acta Mathematica Hungarica.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Ilkevych, N. S., Androschuk, M. V. (2024) On boundary estimates of mappings, acting onto domains with a locally quasiconformal boundary. In: International Scientific Conference “Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis”, May 27 – May 30, 2024, Odesa.

Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On compact classes of solutions of Dirichlet problem in simply connected domains. In: 14 ISAAC Congress 2023, July, 17 – July, 23, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Targonskii, V. (2024) On direct and inverse Poletsky inequalities with a tangential dilatation. Mathematica Slovaca, 74 (1). с. 91-114.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On discrete boundary extension of mappings in terms of prime ends. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 284. с. 365-382. ISSN 1072-3374

Gutlyanskii, V. Ya., Ryazanov, Vladimir, Salimov, R., Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On divergence-type linear and quasi-linear equations in the complex plane. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 279 (1). с. 37-66. ISSN 1072-3374

Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On homeomorphisms with a fixed point onto domains with a Poincar ́e inequality” in Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 282 (1). с. 28-43. ISSN 1072-3374

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On mappings with inverse Poletsky inequality on Riemannian manifolds. In: 14 ISAAC Congress 2023, July, 17 – July, 23, 2023, São Paulo.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On mappings with the inverse Poletsky inequality on Riemannian surfaces. European Journal of Mathematics, 10. ISSN 2199-6768

Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Ilkevych, N. S., Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Targonskii, A. L. (2024) On prime end distor-tion estimates of mappings with the Poletsky condition in domains with the Poincar ́e inequality. Matematychni Studii, 61 (2). с. 148-159.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ilkevych, N. S., Targonskii, V. (2024) On quasilinear Beltrami equations and tangential dilatation. In: XIV Symposium “Mathematics and its applications”, Desember 6–7, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Desyatka, V. S. (2024) On singularities of mappings with a Lebesgue integrable majorant. In: International Scientific Conference “Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis”, May 27 – May 30, 2024, Odesa.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Ilkevych, N. S., Androschuk, M. V. (2024) On the Behavior of One Class of Mappings Acting Upon Domains with Locally Quasiconformal Boundary. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 76. с. 843-858. ISSN 0041-5995

Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On the Compactness of One Class of Solutions for the Dirichlet Problem. Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 20 (1). с. 82-93.

Ilkevych, N. S., Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ukhlov, Aleksandr (2024) On the Equicontinuity of Generalized Quasiconformal Mappings by Prime Ends. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 18 (4). ISSN 1661-8254

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Targonskii, V. (2024) On the Inverse Poletsky Inequality with a Cotangent Dilatation. Computational Methods and Function Theory, 24 (2). с. 375-387.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Targonskii, V. (2024) On the inverse Poletsky inequality with a cotangent dilatation. In: Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis: international scientific conference, May 27 – May 30, 2024, Odesa.

Gol’dshtein, Vladimir, Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ukhlov, Aleksandr (2024) On the theory of generalized quasiconformal mappings. Complex Analysis and its Synergies, 10.

Ryazanov, Vladimir, Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) On the theory of moduli of the surfaces. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 75 (9). с. 1443-1452. ISSN 0041-5995

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2024) The Boundary Hölder Continuity of Mappings with the Poletsky Condition. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 281 (5). с. 818-835. ISSN 1072-3374

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ilkevych, N. S. (2024) Спотворення відстаней при відображеннях QED-областей на області з локально квазіконформною межею. In: Наукова конференція викладачів та молодих науковців Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка з нагоди Днів науки, 16-17 травня 2024 року, Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ilkevych, N. S., Targonskii, A. L., Dovhopiatyi, O. P. (2024) Спотворення відстаней при відображеннях з нерівністю Полецького в термінах простих кінців. In: І всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція «Сучасні проблеми математики: Прикладний аспект», 30 травня 2024 р., Житомир.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Desyatka, V. S. (2024) Усувні сингулярності відображень з оберненою нерівністю Полецького на ріманових многовидах. Український математичний журнал, 76 (7). с. 965-979. ISSN 1027-3190

Gutlyanskii, V. Ya., Ryazanov, Vladimir, Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Yakubov, E. (2023) Hydrodynamic normalization conditions in the theory of degenerate Beltrami equations. Доповіді національної академії наук України (2). с. 10-17. ISSN 1025-6415

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Dovhopiatyi, O. P. (2023) On Beltrami equations with inverse conditions and hydrodynamic normalization. In: Mathematics and its applications: XIII Symposium. Belgrade.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2023) On boundary discreteness of mappings with a modulus conditions. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 171 (1). с. 67-87.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ilkevych, N. S. (2023) On equicontinuity of families of mappings with one normalization condition by the prime ends. In: International scientific online conference «Algebraic and geometric methods of analysis» May 29 - June 1, 2023, May 29 - June 1, 2023, Odesa.

Gutlyanskii, V. Ya., Ryazanov, Vladimir, Salimov, R., Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2023) On isolated singularities of mappings with finite length distortion. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 276 (5). с. 652-669. ISSN 1072-3374

Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2023) On mappings with an analog of the hydrodynamical normalization in the Euclidean space. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. ISSN 1072-3374

Salimov, R., Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Targonskii, V. (2023) On modulus inequality of the orderpforthe inner dilatation. Математичнi Студiї, 59 (2).

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Dovhopiatyi, O. P., Ilkevych, N. S., Kalenska, V. P. (2023) On the boundary extension of mappings on Riemannian surfaces. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 274 (3). с. 370-382. ISSN 1072-3374

Dovhopiatyi, O., Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Targonskii, A. L. (2023) Математичний аналіз. Частина II. Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка.

Mateljević, M., Salimov, R., Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2022) Hölder and Lipschitz Continuity in Orlicz-Sobolev Classes, Distortion and Harmonic Mappings. Filomat, 36 (16). с. 5359-5390.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2019) On global behavior of mappings in metric spaces. In: Int. Conference Banach Spaces and Their Applications, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Prof. A. Plichko, Lviv.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Golberg, А. (2018) Absolute continuity on paths of spatial open discrete mappings. Analysis and Mathematical Physics.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Il'yutko, D. P. (2018) Boundary behavior of open discrete mappings on Riemannian manifolds. Sbornik Mathematics..

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2018) On boundary behavior of mappings with two normalized conditions. Mat. Studii.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Petrov, E. A. (2018) On the Equicontinuity of Homeomorphisms of Orlicz and Orlicz-Sobolev Classes in the Closure of a Domain. Ukr. Math. J..

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2018) On the global behavior of homeomorphisms of metric spaces. J. Math. Sci..

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2017) On boundary behavior of ring Q-mappings in terms of prime ends. In: International Conference in Functional Analysis dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Stephan Banach, 18-23 вересня 2017 р., Lviv.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Markysh, A. A. (2017) On equicontinuity of some class of mappings, which are quasiconformal in the mean. In: International Conference in Functional Analysis dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Stephan Banach, 18-23 вересня 2017 р., Lviv.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2016) On open and discrete mappings with a modulus condition. Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica (44). с. 41-50.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Salіmov, R. R., Golberg, А. (2014) Distortion estimates under mappings with controlled p-module. Annals of the University of Bucharest, 5 (1). с. 95-114.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2013) Analog of miniowitz theorem for some class of mappings with non-bounded characteristics. Міжнародна конференція "Комплексний аналіз, теорія потенціалу та її застосування".

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ryazanov, Vladimir (2013) On convergence and compactness of spatial homeomorphisms. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 18 (1). с. 85-104.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ryazanov, Vladimir (2013) On the convergence of spatial homeomorphisms. Математичні Студії, 39 (1). с. 34-44.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Golberg, А., Salіmov, R. R. (2013) Onremovability of singularities for discrete open mappings with controlled p-Module. International Conference "Complex Analysis, Potential Theory and Applications".

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ryazanov, Vladimir (2012) On compactness of Orlicz-Sobolev mappings. Annals of the University of Bucharest, 19 (3). с. 79-87.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Salіmov, R. R., Ryazanov, Vladimir, Kovtonyuк, Denis (2012) On mappings in the Orlicz-Sobolev classes. Annals of the University of Bucharest (3). с. 67-78.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2012) On spatial mappings with integral restrictions on the characteristic. Algebra i analiz, 24 (1). с. 1-17.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2012) On the openness and discreteness of mappings with unbounded characteristic of quasiconformality. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 63 (8). с. 1298-1305. ISSN 0041-5995

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Salіmov, R. R. (2011) ACL and differentiability of open discrete ring (p;Q)-mappings. Математичні студії, 35 (1). с. 28-36.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Ryazanov, Vladimir (2011) Equicontinuity of mean quasiconformal mappings. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 52 (3). с. 524-536.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Salіmov, R. R. (2011) Estimation of dilatations for mappings more general than quasiregular mappings. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 62 (11). с. 1775-1782. ISSN 0041-5995

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2011) On Quasilinear Beltrami-Type Equations with Degeneration. Mathematical Notes, 90 (9). с. 431-438. ISSN 0001-4346

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Salіmov, R. R. (2011) On inner dilatations of the mappings with unbounded characteristic. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (178). с. 97-107.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А. (2011) The Väisälä inequality for mappings with finite length distortion. Сборник тезисов Международной конференции по Современному Анализу (1). с. 98.

Sevost’yanov, Е. А., Salіmov, R. R., Lomaкo, Тatyana (2010) On equicontinuity of solutions to the Beltrami equations. Annals of the University of Bucharest (2). с. 263-274.

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