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Novytsкyі, S. V. (2013) Some methodological aspects of studying ohmic contacts to n-InP. materials of a conf. [XIV International conf. «Physics and technology of thin films and nanosystems» (ICPTTFN-XIV)], (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 20—25 may 2013 y.). с. 437.
Sachenкo, А. V., Belyaev, А. Е., Boltovets, N. S., Konaкova, R. V., Kudryк, Y. Y., Novytsкyі, S. V., Sheremet, V. N., Lі, J., Vіtusevіch, S. А. (2012) A new mechanism of contact resistance formation in ohmic contacts to semiconductors with high dislocation density. Materials of a conference [31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2012)], (Zurich, Switzerland, 29 July — 3 August, 2012 y.). с. 49.
Sachenкo, А. V., Belyaev, А. Е., Boltovets, N. S., Konaкova, R. V., Kudryк, Y. Y., Novytsкyі, S. V., Sheremet, V. N., Lі, J., Vіtusevіch, S. А. (2012) Mechanism of contact resistance formation in ohmic contacts with high dislocation density. Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (8). 083701-083701. ISSN 0021-8979
Novytsкyі, S. V. (2011) Effect of thermal annealing on the electrical parameters of ohmic contacts to n-n+-n++-InP. Materials of a conf. [XIII International conf. «Physics and technology of thin films and nanosystems» (ICPTTFN-XIII)]Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 16—21 May 2011 y.), 1. с. 112.